Motherhood has always been one challenging period, whereby compromises could lead to very fatal consequences. From house keeping to children upbringing, they have to master it all, in spite of people beliefs on gender roles equality, the fundamental roles of a mother should not be forsaken.
A successful woman-hood, can only be proven by the taste of it's fruits; 'The Children', proper upbringing is what is needed to achieve this feat. My Mom has has been very successful as a woman, I wish to show you how she did it. Here's a poem I wrote;
"Don't let anyone see your kokoro";
I slid out, flushing down;
Prepared to breathe in my first air;
Felt the world out there as cold and endless;
An endless world of giants;
I was carried by the same palm;
Cuddled by same set of fingers;
I decided to stare at who grants the hand;
IT was so tall and always smiled, and regarded as a 'she';
I always cried when I felt something was off;
I was tongueless to express my feelings;
She got me to an extent, but never really got me tho';
I was forced to gulp milk down my throat;
For everything pain caused;
I lived further breaking the boundaries of dumbness;
And learnt some few basic utterances, I needed to know;
It felt like casting spell, it worked like magic;
I was led further along life's course;
I never knew how to live life well;
She led me through, even through the dark times.
As I was becoming giant-like;
She was became first everything ;
My first Teacher, Knight, Healer, Pastor, Cook..;
Haha, yes she was my first Cook;
My one and only confidant, she proved herself worthy;
She taught me basic rules to survive;
She fought ceaselessly to keep the wolf from our walls;
She handled my grossest wounds, performed various surgeries;
So well, I remembered not the pain after she tends;
She taught me there was only one supreme being;
Giving us food to eat and cloth to wear;
She made me love amala, she showed her prodigy in soup making;
She and Dad led me all the way to writing this out;
They enrolled me in the best school and granted me all I needed.
She granted me the right to live right;
She is my Mother;
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